
"Your life is your own, OK?"

Hey! Timeless, Tink, Time, Lawrence, whatever you know me by, welcome to my page.

I'm an amateur programmer, game dev, and video editor. I built this website because it sounded fun. Hopefully I'll be able to fill this page with my work as I move along with it!

- Games -

Vagabond's Defense

Tower Defense Resource Collector, not exactly in active development. Not exactly a game I would say I'm personally invested in making. DEV indefinitely stalled.

- Other Projects -

RAM Wiki

Updated to 0.4.X, thanks BurgerMinus.


- CASH Video
Script is done but I'd rather die than make this video for some reason idk.
- YOMI Edit
This was fun to make surpisingly.


One Guygal entered.
Wow...... MSPFA.... on Neocities.... so cool.....